Monday, November 2, 2009


Well...somehow I screwed that auto-posting thing up.

And yes, there is a place called "WhatABurger".  They have really great chocolate shakes and free wifi so here I sit while son is at piano lessons.

But...I should have (got all 15 toes crossed anyway) internet at home sometime tomorrow.  At least hubby thinks that's what the guy said. 

Since I screwed up the auto-posting thing for the other day and today...I'll repost the affirmations now.

1.  Creativity flows through me easily and effortlessly.
2.  I am a creative person and develop my plots with confidence and imagination.

Now...repeat several times a day.

So, how are you doing in your writing the last two days?  Share in the comment thread and let us share the journey with you.

Also, if you want to have your progress meter added to the side, create one at StoryToolz and email me the html code and I'll post it soon as I can.


  1. Okay, two things. You have to hit publish in order for the auto-posting thing to work. If you leave it in draft it never publishes, so if that's what you did, now you know how to fix it.

    As far as NaNo goes, I haven't been able to write much, but I still managed close to 1000 words already, so I don't feel too bad. I see Sandra is listed at 3K--which is awesome! Congrats Sandra!!!

    Tomorrow is another day. The girls decided to share their cold so I am off to a warm bath and a cup of tea...along with a good book, of course.


  2. I'm going to print up the affirmations and post them by my desk. :-) I hope you get your home internet back soon, Jean! :-)

    Thanks, Cheryl. :-) I think I'm going to have to kiss the official "winner" mark of 50,000 goodby, though. I'm not on target even if I was planning on writing every day, let alone since I figured I'm only going to be able to write approx. 24 days.

    I felt I had a really great day yesterday (Nov. 2nd) and only managed 1,129 - not even enough if I were writing all 30 days. I may set a personal goal of 30K or such so I can still feel like a winner.;-)

    My progress meter for some reason wouldn't accept my goal of 50K I see it reads 0-K over there. I'll have to see if I can fix it. If not, I may just delete it and try again.

    Hugs to all!

  3. I think one of the most important parts about Nano isn't necessarily hitting 50K. It's a great goal, but seriously, whose idea was it to put it smack in the middle of holidays?

    For those who participate in Nano, what it does is get you writing every day (or close to every day). It's a fantastic habit and I think one of the hardest parts of being a writer is to actually....write. I mean, sitting butt in chair, fingers to keys (or pen) and creating conscious stream of thoughts and story. Hard stuff. For some reason, a lot of writers have a problem doing that (for many, many reasons which Jean covered earlier - stupid shoulder vultures).

    Affirmations are a fantastic way to boost your confidence, keep yourself feeling positive, and smack those vultures. It's something I use throughout my life, not just for writing.

    Great thoughts everyone!

  4. You're so right Chrissy. Instead of playing around on the Internet for 20 minutes, I am writing instead. It makes a huge difference.

    Carry on folks!

  5. Sighs...

    Yeap, that's what I didn't do. But I figured it out.

    Still wihout internet at home...I'm planning on hiring a witch doctor or hitman soon though.
