Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Goals & Friday Praises

I know at least for myself, I need to set short term goals to reach my long term ones. If I set no goals, I accomplish nothing.

So, in order to accomplish more in the upcoming year I've been working on some goals, resolutions and such. One of those goals was to clean off my desk and when I did, I found a note about "Monday Goals & Friday Praises." I think it's just what I need. I hope you feel the same way cause.

Here's how it works:

Either sometime Sunday or Monday morning you post your goals for the week in the comment section.

On Friday, you update us on how you did. Even if you don't achieve all your goals for the week, you'll have a record of how much you get accomplished. Plus, the rest of us will be cheering you on. We'll also poke and prod as needed.

So, start getting some goals in mind for the upcoming weeks.

Remember for some great writerly resolutions, check out J.A. Konrath's blog.

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