Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Link Salad

Y'all get links tonight.  I'm reading and can't think about much else.  Wish I could sit up and read until book is finished but...  Will tell y'all about it later.:-)

First...I LOVE Donald Maass.  Well, not really since I've never met him but I love his books.  Here's "4 Techniques to Fire Up Your Fiction" and includes exercises to apply to your WIP.  I have his "Breakout Novel"  and the workbook that goes along with it.  I actually typed all the questions up and printed them out, added a cover page with the title of my novel and had it spiral bound for a couple bucks at an office supply store.  Now, when it's time to go through all the exercises in the workbook, I won't have to mess up the book and can have it for later.

More on characters.

Tips for Finding More Writing Time

P&G is looking for "Bathroom Bloggers" and even pays.  I think I'll pass though.:-)


  1. If Donald Maass is speaking at a conference you're attending or if the conference is near you....GO! The man is amazing. I was so fortunate and blessed to hear him speak this past summer and he completely opened up my novel - and my way of thinking. He pushes you to think harder, to shove your characters into dark, nasty places you would never think of going.

    My novel changed from something that was ok, to something editors and agents are going to want. Seriously.

    Writing really is a learning process. It's been five months, yet after listening to a recent RWA Conference workshop recording, everything clicked into place. I pulled out my notebook from Maass's workshop and fit the two puzzle pieces together.

    Thanks again for the post, Jean! I totally need to do what you did with the notebook questions...

    - Chrissy
